Jesus Sneezes

Rhymes for Times that God Loves You

The pure must always watch their tongue.
Help widows and the orphaned young.

James 1:26-27

What good is faith tacked on the wall?
Inactive faith ain't faith at all.

James 2:14-26

Work for the Father, not for pay.
Act like he'll return today.

Luke 12:13-48

Beware those who will not repent.
Give like the widow, every cent.

Luke 20:27-21:4

Devote yourself to God above.
Take care of others. Always love.

2nd Peter 1:7

Don't crave the glory God won't yield.
Nor lust for pow'r you could not wield.

Jude 11

The high priest jailed them with a smirk.
God led them out and back to work

Acts 5:17-25

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